API v2 Docs - Announcement Endpoint

The announcement endpoints allows you to create, edit, delete, and list announcements for a specific guild.


Returns the specified announcement's data.

Example Request Body

				"guild_id": 375357265198317579,
				"announcement_id": "b067378e-2565-4116-aa20-08cc144d1fdb"

Example Response

				"guild_id": 375357265198317579,
				"announcement_id": "b067378e-2565-4116-aa20-08cc144d1fdb",
				"channel_id": "266666669542342656",
				"event_id": "divq9ihqhoq9hbm2tncj8set04_20180317T030000Z",
				"event_color": "NONE",
				"type": "RECUR",
				"hours": 1,
				"minutes": 30,
				"info": "Event is in 1 hour and thirty minutes!",
				"enabled": true,
				"info_only: false,
                "publish": true,
				"subscribers_role": ["everyone", "378479752186560512"],
				"subscribers_user": ["130510525770629121"]

Supported Values in Request
Key Value Type Info Required
guild_id string The Guild ID True
announcement_id String The ID of the announcement True

Returned Values
Key Value Type Info
guild_id string The Guild ID
announcement_id String The ID of the announcement
channel_id String ID of the channel the announcement will announce in
event_id String ID of the event the announcement is for
event_color String Event Color the announcement will check for
type String The announcement's type
hours int The amount of hours before the event to fire (added to minutes)
minutes int The amount of minutes before the event to fire (added to hours)
info String Additional info for the announcement
enabled Boolean Whether or not the announcement is enabled
info_only Boolean Whether or not the announcement will display just the "info" box
announcements.publish Boolean Whether or not the announcement will be published if it is posted in a news channel
subscribers_role List(of Strings) List of roles subscribed to the announcement
subscribers_user List(of Strings) List of users subscribed to the announcement


Creates a new announcement with the specified information

Example Request Body

				"guild_id": 266063520112574464,
				"channel": "266666669542342656",
				"event_id": "divq9ihqhoq9hbm2tncj8set04",
				"type": "RECUR",
				"hours": 1,
				"minutes": 30,
				"info": "Recurring type announcement"

Example Response

				"message": "Announcements successfully created",
				"id": "b067378e-2565-4116-aa20-08cc144d1fdb"

Supported Values in Request
Key Value Type Info Required
guild_id string The Guild ID True
channel String ID of channel to post announcement in True
type String The announcement type True
event_id String ID of event for announcement to check Required if type equals "RECUR" or "SPECIFIC"
event_color String Color of events to check Required if type equals "COLOR"
hours int Amount of hours before event to announce (added to minutes) True
minutes int Amount of minutes before event to announce (added to hours) True
info String Additional announcement info False, required if info_only is present and true
info_only Boolean Whether or not to only display the info of the announcement on broadcast False
announcements.publish Boolean Whether or not the announcement will be published if it is posted in a news channel False

Returned Values
Key Value Type Info
message String Status of Creation
id String ID of the new announcement


Updates an announcement with the specified information

Example Request Body

				"guild_id": 266063520112574464,
				"announcement_id": "b067378e-2565-4116-aa20-08cc144d1fdb",
				"channel": "266666669542342656",
				"event_id": "divq9ihqhoq9hbm2tncj8set04",
				"type": "RECUR",
				"hours": 4,
				"info": "I just updated this announcement through the API!",
				"enabled": true,
				"info_only": false,
                "publish": true,

Example Response

				"message": "Announcement successfully updated"

Supported Values in Request
Key Value Type Info Required
guild_id string The Guild ID True
announcement_id String The ID of the announcement True
channel_id String ID of the channel the announcement will announce in False
event_id String ID of the event the announcement is for False
event_color String Event Color the announcement will check for False
type String The announcement's type False
hours int The amount of hours before the event to fire (added to minutes) False
minutes int The amount of minutes before the event to fire (added to hours) False
info String Additional info for the announcement False
enabled Boolean Whether or not the announcement is enabled False
info_only Boolean Whether or not the announcement will display just the "info" box False
publish Boolean Whether or not the announcement will be published if it is posted in a news channel False
add_subscribers_role List(of Strings) List of roles to subscribe to the announcement False
add_subscribers_user List(of Strings) List of users to subscribe to the announcement False
remove_subscribers_role List(of Strings) List of roles to unsubscribe from the announcement False
remove_subscribers_user List(of Strings) List of users to unsubscribe from the announcement False

Returned Values
Key Value Type Info
message String Status of update


Deletes the specified announcement if it exists

Example Request Body

				"guild_id": 266063520112574464,
				"announcement_id": "b067378e-2565-4116-aa20-08cc144d1fdb",

Example Response

				"message": "Announcement successfully deleted"

Supported Values in Request
Key Value Type Info Required
guild_id string The Guild ID True
announcement_id String The announcement ID True

Returned Values
Key Value Type Info
message String Status of deletion


Lists the specified amount of announcements from the guild.

Example Request Body

				"guild_id": 266063520112574464,
				"amount": -1,

Example Response

				"announcements": [{
					"guild_id": 375357265198317579,
					"announcement_id": "b067378e-2565-4116-aa20-08cc144d1fdb",
					"channel_id": "266666669542342656",
					"event_id": "divq9ihqhoq9hbm2tncj8set04_20180317T030000Z",
					"event_color": "NONE",
					"type": "RECUR",
					"hours": 1,
					"minutes": 30,
					"info": "Event is in 1 hour and thirty minutes!",
					"enabled": true,
					"info_only": false,
                    "publish": true,
					"subscribers_role": ["everyone", "378479752186560512"],
					"subscribers_user": ["130510525770629121"]

Supported Values in Request
Key Value Type Info Required
guild_id string The Guild ID True
amount int Amount of announcements to list, "-1" for all True

Returned Values
Key Value Type Info
announcements JSON Array A list of all announcements returned
announcements.guild_id string The Guild ID
announcements.announcement_id String The ID of the announcement
announcements.channel_id String ID of the channel the announcement will announce in
announcements.event_id String ID of the event the announcement is for
announcements.event_color String Event Color the announcement will check for
announcements.type String The announcement's type
announcements.hours int The amount of hours before the event to fire (added to minutes)
announcements.minutes int The amount of minutes before the event to fire (added to hours)
announcements.info String Additional info for the announcement
announcements.enabled Boolean Whether or not the announcement is enabled
announcements.info_only Boolean Whether or not the announcement will display just the "info" box
announcements.publish Boolean Whether or not the announcement will be published if it is posted in a news channel
announcements.subscribers_role List(of Strings) List of roles subscribed to the announcement
announcements.subscribers_user List(of Strings) List of users subscribed to the announcement